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Ugly vampire...tried a few different mods, but I dont even know what t


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So I have this female breton that I started off as a vampire using the alternate start mod.

Thing is, I found out vampires are ugly as sin!


so I downloaded a few mods, one of them lessens the sinking of the cheeks, and another gets rid of the dirt, I even have one that is supposed to make it so no visual change happens at all.


Well the thing is, I go into the showracemenu, and if I adjust my complexion, I go back to a normal breton face, and she is pretty as can be, but if I save my game, exit to the desktop, go eat a taco, come back,


She is ugly as all sin again.


( ugly black lipstick, aged looking skin, nasty colors ) any ideas on how to make her face stay the way I put it?


EDIT - I found a mod that fixes it, It can be found here if anyone is interested http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21656

Edited by enothehippie
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