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Camera idea..with many uses. basically adding a 2nd one to be attached


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I wanna make a mod that adds a second camera, think blackops style surveilence camera that allows the player to continue to play with his/her screen, while having another viewable on the same screen. I came up with the idea after making it possible to control a npc with my own keyboard. essentially it would create split screen co-op but I know this has been repeatedly shot down in the past. but now all I need is the added camera it cant be THAT hard to make a second camera that wouldnt completly impede my view perhaps a vats camera modified to go my NPC(player 2) but retain my view ratio. If this proves possible it would open the door to so many new ideas and possibly change the game greatly. I may be dreaming to big as I have used many mods for years but only a few days ago began actually trying to make my own..... let me know what you guys think.... I'll be waiting with my fingers crossed.


more ideas that could be made with this... Controlable rc/c4 car, surveilence cams(imagine setting it up with little static monitors like in a panic room or something), useful regular c4(lol), oh ultra cinematic VATS, or interactive screenplays for that matter, spycam arrows, controllable turrets...etc...

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look at mods by ermeso. he made a mod that allows you to fly a vertibird - a new hud- its the same concept and would use the same scripting. i dont think the vegas engine could do a seperate screen like your looking for though. i suggested turning ed-e into the hover drone from ghost recon, with the ability to pilot it. i pm'd ermeso a day ago so im hoping he will respond. but my post here in the forums about it got nothing. the forums seem to be made of 90% players, 5% modders, and 5% players that want to learn to mod.

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