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Making Citra Less Mature (Sorta Clothes)


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So... For the rare few of us who have parents who wont let their kids play games containing nudity, but they have no problem with swearing, killing and so on. I have devised what I think is a way to make Citra less "Mature" With some help from the famous Dziggy.

From what I can tell, the "Mature" scenes are all dynamically generated from charterer files. This is a welcome think since editing or removing cut-scenes is a pain in the neck. This also helps since FC3 has a simple Patch.dat file which you can put things in to mod in game files.

So, with some tweaking of files from Dziggy I think I have a super crudely clothed Citra model xD Be warned though, its super crude (giant orange circle with no texture xD). Testing now to see if this works, but I think it will

How I did this.
It took me three files (I also used Dunia 2 Tools (not GUI) but you dont have to)
Dunia 2 GUI tools http://rghost.net/42622766
NVIDIA Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop (Google it)
and Ziggy's Mod.

Keeping things simple. I took Ziggy'z mod. Extracted the data_win32/patch.fat it using Dunia 2 Tools (I did not use the GUI, you can if you want). Took all of the files in the "patch_unpack\graphics\__fc3_graphics\_common\_textures\characters\unique\citra" folder and put them into D2TG's "IN" folder, opened D2TG and clicked XBT -> DDS. I then took the DDS files it put in the "OUT" folder, edited them in Photoshop, exported them using the default settings, ran the DDs -> XBT settings in D2TG. Taking those files, I then put the, back in the folder whence I took them, took the folder (patch_unpack) repacked it using D2T and replaced the patch files in the FC2 folder.

Testing now to see if this worked, but I assume it will. Also to save some of you time, here are the edited XBT files.


Edited by BASiQ
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  • 5 weeks later...

Honestly, I think it's outstanding that games like FC3 can be modified like this, although personally I don't understand, as an adult, parents OK with killing a video game person and swearing but not OK with nudity lol. But just as well, the ability to change that part so kids can play this game with the comfort that mom won't walk in with a view of a pair of boobs is good. As a parent I think games like FC and Fallout need to wait until my kids are old enough to understand what's going on and to understand also that THIS is just a game, not real and real people don't run around doing this sort of thing. I'm not worried they won't feel it's wrong to murder, it's simply a matter of personal development. Some things are appropriate, some are only as they get older. By the time my son is a teenager, he'll have seen several porns, I am sure. Reality says I can't keep him from seeing naked girls forever.


Anyhow, for what it's worth, I say good job working on a solution to that particular issue! :cool:

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