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A heart felt thank you and a humble graphics question...

LAW Rocket

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Hugz all around for all the great mods and mod makers on this site for making the game as playable as possible, if these beauties are the first to come out I can only imagine what the future will hold especially for quest mods and other game play extenders. Personally I have been with the wasteland universe since 1989 and the original "Wasteland" was my very first video game EVAR! Fallout 3 is now easily my favorite game at this point, but a new Oblivion type release would give it a run for its money fo sho IMO...


Kay, nuff pleasantries.. I have a question concerning what graphics settings I should be using for the Nvidia 9600 gt in conjunction with a AMD x2 4800 dual core 2.5 ghz with 3gb RAM. I know this is sorta a lame question and I dont even know if its in the right section as this is my first time actually posting here. I previously was playing it (very poorly) on a embedded Nvdia 6150, and since I am tight on cash I figured I could upgrade with another 9600 gt with the SLI slot when the price is right. I am running the game on ultra high settings with resolution 1440x900 which looks freakin' amazing, but I have noticed some lag on the ground in 1st person mode perhaps even more so than in 3rd person it seems. It is also a bit choppy when moving the crosshairs quickly and I may have noticed it lagging a bit during action gameplay with the single 9600 gt installed.


Any suggestions as to what settings to change for best performance and graphics for this laymen "scrounger" of pc gaming? Any help would be appreciated. Also I am using quite a few mods and wonder if I ran it "cherry" if it would perform better and perhaps if there is a guide to show what mods to run first middle and last to prevent crashes and conflicts. I hope this thread is well received and not entirely out of place, mad props 2 all...

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Get up off your low horse, guy. Sheesh.


Some things you can turn down or off (click "Advanced" in the Options menu of the Launcher to get to these bits):


Detail Tab:

- Transparency Multisampling off

- Radial Blur Quality down (I can't personally tell the difference between High and Low, try it and see what you think)

- Depth of Field off (makes far-off stuff blurry. it's not a big performance hit, though, so keep it on if you like the effect)


Water Tab:

- Reflection Quality down (makes images reflected off of water a little lower-res, but can be a big performance booster)

- Full Scene Reflections off (reflects only major architecture/trees instead of everything)

- Full Detail Reflections off (doesn't reflect detail maps, some lighting effects, etc.)

- Water Multisampling down (if I'm not mistaken, reduces the number of shots water takes of the surrounding environment for reflections)


Shadows Tab:

- Shadow Filtering down (blurs the edges of shadows to make them crisper-looking, can be turned to low with little detail loss)


View Distance:

- the least important are Specularity Fade and Item Fade, lowering these a bit can help performance in some areas with no noticeable visual quality loss.


Distant LOD:

- Tree LOD Fade down (probably the easiest to notice of the bunch, so don't lower this too much - controls when trees become 2D cutouts)

- Object LOD Fade down (less noticeable than trees at most distances, but still worth keeping high - controls when objects like water towers, buildings, etc. stop being models)

- Land Quality down (least noticeable, mid-levels look a little jagged but still blend well)


Try fiddling with a FEW of these settings, and see if your performance improves any. Depth of Field, Water Reflections, and Shadow Filtering are usually the biggest hitters, so try those first and see if it moves any smoother from you.


Also, note that only the View Distance sliders can be adjusted in-game. Everything else you'll do through the launcher.


Also, check out this mod that enables Shader Model 3.0 shaders for Fallout 3 - it definitely helped smooth my game out when I used it. http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=256

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Wow, that was quite an in depth answer and definitely much appreciated. I will bookmark this for future reference and testing for sure.


Thanks also for the mod link, I will check it out ASAP...


FYI: The horse I rode in on stepped on a frag mine and is now vertically challenged so to speak... :P

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