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Bright lights fading out/not loading when nearing them (Hoover Dam)


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Hi all,


Well I've run into an interesting problem after I went to Hoover Dam visitor center and walked back out. All the heavy flood lights and street lights aren't loading! In the distance I can see the lights lighting the ground and the surrounding areas but as soon as I get near they dim out to the low quality versions for some reason.


So I tried fast travelling and used PCB whilst away to ensure the cell wasn't loaded in memory still, but no good. It's only the lights at Hoover Dam from what I can tell, Goodsprings and Primm etc all still well lit. I did try loading an old save, the one before I went in the visitor center suffered the same bug but one save about 10mins before that down at Forlorn Hope was fine, and that area contains the same large flood lights as well.


Even though I kinda answered my own question by loading a previous save, I'm still kinda weirded out by the whole thing. What made them revert to low quality light models? Why didn't they come back after doing a PCB and fast travel? Second time I've experienced this bug, anyone know the trigger? Or the solution? No answers on google, at least helpful ones anyway... I imagine something made the save game stuff up somehow. I'll go back and disable/enable each of the objects just to be double certain.


Cheers ppl's :)

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The shaders, the cones are still present but the shader displayed is like the low quality version as if HDR isn't active at all. They are fine from the distance but get near em and poof, light goes out. Meh I just went with that other save and did my thing at Hoover and quickly went elsewhere. Just another weird save game bug I think :/

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I think you're not running ENB? If you are, that sounds like an adaptation mismatch or oddity. Could also be broken/missing normal/environment maps on the Hoover Dam textures.
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Not running ENB but I am running all of MGE's various visual mods. Speaking of which all lights added by ElectroCity in the same area had the same problem, good from afar but no good near. I'm going to revalidate the cache anyway just to be sure there hasn't been any corruption from a CTD I had a few hours back, something wrong with one of the Rumble Zones from AWOP MoMod patch at Repconn triggers it every time I try to enter, anyway that's a different story lol.


Actually you gave me an idea, I might try loading up that save again and playing around with some of the settings in Director's Chair etc etc and seee if I can somehow reset the lights. Might even try disabling HDR and re-enabling just ffs.

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Yes that's right, they break as soon as they start to fade in. Upon load, they are broken right in front of me (front of visitor center). Thing is though, if I scope down the wall of Hoover a ways, I can see the lights have loaded in full detail, illuminating all the ground and all, but of course the LOD itself for the terrain has not. ugridstoload is set to 7 (was 9 but 7 is much better with 16x SSAA in CCC). I walked to Forlorn Hope and found the lights there went out as I got close enough for the LOD to come in. All objects are loaded, Object fade is at 20 and Object LOD is 100K. All buildings are set to show distant LOD versions also.


Possibly I should loa up that save again and try waiting 3 days far away from there and go back just to see if it changes back.

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I'm going to wager that there's either a misapplied/missing Normal or Environment map on your exterior Hoover Dam textures at the root of the issue, or the lights themselves have been altered by some mod in a bad way, then.
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They were loading fine when I got there and walked around. Just loading it back up killed it. Maybe somehow the resource got corrupted. Lucky for me I plan ahead and made a backup of all my resources when I did my base install, fresh from the archive for an easy cut and paste lol. I make a habit of creating 2 NV installs these days, a full backup and playable one lol.

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Waiting 4 days at PH fixed it. Reinstalled my resources package just for fun sake afterwards. Had to be a save problem. Didn't matter anyway I already played another 8-9 hours on the other save yesterday, if you didn't already see my post lol.

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