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Staff Scripting


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I recently made a staff, that fires life force beams, and a throwable lance that should explode once you shoot at it with the new staff and unleashes a chain reaction of explosions. But now Im stucking.


* The staff is running on stamina and if this is too low it runs on health. How do I subtract stamina / health from the player / shooter even if I dont hit an actor like it works with OnEffectStarted?


* How do you check for those lances at the beams ending points?


I have no idea how to manage that. The lance btw is a projectile once its stucking in someones body or the ground. Pretty much like an arrow.

Edited by Medusa30
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I managed to do this so far. But, how do you check in a script if the actor has such a spear stucking in the body or inventory? Cause the way I made it, it only checks if spear is stucking anywhere in the navmesh:


Scriptname AsenQiLanceBeamExplosionScript extends ObjectReference  

Actor PlayerRef
int Property BeamStaminaCost Auto
PROJECTILE Property AsenSpearToLookFor Auto
Spell Property AsenSpearExplosionSpell Auto
ObjectReference TargetRef

Event OnInit()
	PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
	if (PlayerRef.GetAV("Stamina") >= BeamStaminaCost)
		PlayerRef.DamageAV("Stamina", BeamStaminaCost)
		PlayerRef.DamageAV("Health", BeamStaminaCost * 1.5)
		Debug.Notification("The Qi Lance is damaging your health!")

	TargetRef = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfTypeFromRef(AsenSpearToLookFor, self, 128) as ObjectReference
	if (TargetRef != none)
		self.SetPosition(TargetRef.GetPositionX(), TargetRef.GetPositionY(), TargetRef.GetPositionZ() + 100)

;	Utility.wait(1.0)


How it works so far? The beam has an explosion which spawns a dummy object that launches this script.


Another question:

How to I set the position of my dummy jus a bit, lets say 64 units, towards the player so that the casted spell is inside the world? Giving Z + 100 units solves a few bugs - for example if you are throwing the spears into terrain the damage spell will now work quite well and it works small wooden walls as well -, but gates and other larger surfaces the spears can stuck in, the spell damage will be blocked (the art is still visible).

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