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Dog Whistle


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Well i dont know if this is possible, or if it already exists, but it would be great if it was possible to make a dogwhile or just some method ot call dogmeat to you if to make him wait somewhere.


Theres tons of palces where he gets killed so you gotta leave him behind but going back to get him later is a pain.


Also, a dogmeat resurection device would be cool, im sick of reloading my game because he runs into fight like a behemoth or 10 super mutents and gets killed.

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there r some mods that make him essential so he cant die but get knocked out and i thought i seen something that calls him but cant find it :( but i wudnt mind that to now that i have him again. p.s. my eggs r dying can u help them


Edit i thinks its here http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2550

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Well, for your death problems, open up the console and type:


setessential 6a772 1


Now whenever Dogmeat loses all his health, he'll pass out for a few seconds and get back up.


As for the "dog whistle", I'm working on a general vanilla companion "radio" that'll allow you to issue orders to your companions, Dogmeat included. It'll probably be a week or two before it's ready for release, though.

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