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Plague Conversion Mod


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Plague Conversion Mod,


Has someone or can someone make a Conversion Mod that makes it a Plague that devistated the world,

Perhaps it can even start with a choice of nuke or plague Apocalypse, that way it is not a Total Conversion Mod,


Scattered survives emerging from the wasteland(Vaults?) after trying to avoid the Virus craziness, and try to Convince them to join your team/Town? maybe even some raider groups?,


I ask this as I know of some writers of some very good plague devastation story's, and I think that some of the story's in a game will work well,

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From what i can gather, what youre asking is relatively simple... just very tedious. I'm fairly new to all this stuff personally, but i think this could easily be done by just going through the Fallout master file in the GECK and changing/removing all references to a "nuclear war". You can actually change and edit a lot of the junk like that, so it shouldnt be too hard, just finding all the references to nuclear war and changing them would be a very tedious and frustrating job.


When done, just save->load up the new .esp and bobs-your-uncle, you should have the same fallout game but with a "plague" reference instead of commy nukes xD.

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the "radiation" thing is under "GAME SETTINGS" in the geck and would take a good 4 seconds to rename.


other than that, yeh, its just a case of using "search and replace" a nd changing every referance to nuclear/nuke/war/radiation in quests, dialogue, messages, message boxes and scripted info.


tedious but extremely do-able

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... and most likely pretty useless.

Whats the point of having the exact same game, just with renamed lines?

Ok, it could work for very, and i mean VERY immersive players, but i think without further changes in gameplay it would be a waste of time.

I still like the idea, though.

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