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Can't complete Flags Of Our Foul-Ups (again)


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I'm having the problem that a lot have, after taking up Mags on her idea I get as far as the shooting practice, but after that cannot engage conversation with her for the explosives part. Seems it only happens to me every so many playthroughs/profiles. Anyhow I know it's a poorly written quest but seems there must be a trigger for it happening as I say it only happens every so many playthroughs and this one I did a lot before Camp Golf.


I just want to know the trigger or the solution if anyone knows off hand. I really don't wanna use the console here, I am a man of immersion and lore lol, the console makes me wild.


I'll try some more of my theories on the matter, but a quick solution would be nice :smile:. Wow seond post for the day with problems, guess it's that time (after 200 hours modded play) in a save where it starts to get a case of dementia XDXDXD


BTW did check out FNVedit to see if there was a weird conflict in there, or even with a little hope maybe find that a fix for it from NVEC or a mod like that getting overridden but nothing, not even an override. Oh well XD


EDIT: Also tried waiting a day, fast travelling away and waiting a day, reloading the game and reloading from varioussaves and doing it over and over again. Just seems like it's broken. Looking into that quest stage for answers still.

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LOL No takers. Don't worry about it now, I fixed it by resurrecting Mags. An unlikely solution, but it worked to my amazement.


LOL here's something for you, I just played NV from since I posted this to now (2 mins ago) without closing the game and no crashes. YAY!! Damn I'm good at modding XDXDXDXD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did that with high hopes, but loaded up and still the same. Resurrection then fixed it entirely :).

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