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Major Dialogue Overhaul


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I love Skyrim but one aspect of it really sucks. The character dialogue options. I find most of them are either boring or immersion breaking. In most dialogues you have 2 or 3 options with no alignment. If I want to play a paladin character or an evil character I just... can't. Where in Fallout 3 and Fallout NV the dialogues were great! I understand that changing the dialogues will probably mean that most of the responses will have to change so I understand the difficulty of the request but again, is it possible?


Thank you.

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You are right about it being difficult, it's a HUGE undertaking. It is possible, but GDO alone has been a very large undertaking and it only affects a small section of the game. Not only that, but the compatability of such a Mod would be severely limited due to the amount of background scripting that is attached to dialogue. In the guard dialogue alone, just to handle the crime interaction, there are over 40 scripts! That's why crime is pretty much left alone by GDO. If someone was willing to put in the time and the effort, it would be possible, but it's the sort of project that would require a team I suspect as it would be too much for one individual to take on. It's most likely to be done by individual Mods tackling one section of the game at a time. If enough people do this, it may be possible to put together a compilation Mod somewhere down the line if the authors were willing to cooperate.

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You are right about it being difficult, it's a HUGE undertaking. It is possible, but GDO alone has been a very large undertaking and it only affects a small section of the game. Not only that, but the compatability of such a Mod would be severely limited due to the amount of background scripting that is attached to dialogue. In the guard dialogue alone, just to handle the crime interaction, there are over 40 scripts! That's why crime is pretty much left alone by GDO. If someone was willing to put in the time and the effort, it would be possible, but it's the sort of project that would require a team I suspect as it would be too much for one individual to take on. It's most likely to be done by individual Mods tackling one section of the game at a time. If enough people do this, it may be possible to put together a compilation Mod somewhere down the line if the authors were willing to cooperate.


I understand. It really is a shame that Bethesda did not make the dialogues more immersive and alignment-like like Fallout.


This may interest you, its for khajiit players but still pretty cool.(I haven't actually used it)




I've already came across with this mod, unfortunately my character is Nord so it doesn't interest me. Thank you though. :)

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