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Request - A consumable wait item


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I'm not sure if a mod for this already exists - i've looked and all i can find is consumable Save/Autosave items.

I'd like an item that you can consume which will open up the Wait menu.

I play with controller, and at the moment I use Fo4Hotkeys to bind the Wait menu to a key on my keyboard.

But it feels pretty cheaty, and it's pretty darn inconvenient to have to reach over to the keyboard to push the key.

A consumable item would at least let me attach a price to the wait items, making it feel less cheaty. And I wouldn't have to reach for the keyboard each time anymore.


So, is it possible to create an aid item that will simply enter a basic console command for something like this?

There's other basic little console commands i'd like to execute using aid items too. Such as toggling Freecam, Noclip, Looksmenu, and a few others i can't think of at the moment.



Thread's closed now lol

Edited by LucidLady
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