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Lightning area spells


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I was playing Oblivion and I was playing with cheats on, being bored and just having a bit of fun, and I made a spell - a lightning spell that had a radius of 100. I had never tried this before so I gave it a go, and I liked how when your bolt hits something it branches out to hit npcs.


Now, what I'm wondering, is if I could make a spell in the CS, where when one of those branches of lightning hit an NPC, that one could branch out as well, perhaps in random directions.



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It is doable with script effects, the cast function and a "caster" activator, though it would require Supreme Magicka-esque spell altering if you wanted to do it for all spells. Even moreso if that includes NPCs.

It really depends on how specific you want the effect to be. As activators can cast a spell fairly quickly, one option would be to have a series of 5 casting nodes setup, and have a script which moves 1 of those 5 activators to each target when those targets are hit by the first area spell, working with a quest script to decide what activators are moved where. Then you have those activators cast a weaker, smaller area effect spell. Depending on the scale that you want to achieve, you could have 3-4 of these pulses occur by using the same sort of scripting.

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