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How do you folks think of mod ideas?


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hovv to come up vvith ideas.



vvell vvhats vvorked for me is, ive played the entire game and tried to find every single quest possible. i dont knovv if i have or not then i also explore the entire vvorld and pretty much ask myself, vvhat is missing. then i think of things that could add to the vvorld not only for fun but i guess to add to the game and making it fit so it feels like its apart of the captial vvasteland.




I.E. i remember theres a national guard depot. so i thought HEY! its D.C. i could do a Secret Service HQ <-- currently vvorking on.


also just try to think of things that vvould "vvork"



some other good ideas are to play on things that already exsist in game.

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I'll usually mod every game I own if an editor or tool is available. Usually I tweak things like weapons... then as I start to see other elements of the game hidden in code.... I get to thinking of the things I could be allowed to do. Anytime I am working on any creative project, I usually just sit down with some beer and paper... then brainstorm. Mostly though, I start with a single idea. Like for the merc mod, originally I wanted to add a military base. As I outlined that, new ideas came into mind and I just jotted down anything that popped into my head.


I apply that to everything. If I am going to paint a picture I start with the one thing I know I want to paint and allow it to explode. Rarely do I ever have an entire idea at once.


Just pick a small thought an jump in.


Let's say you want to add monkey's to the wasteland. As you figure out to do that, a thought pops in - what if we had a companion monkey. Then - what if we could have that little monkey steal shift for us.

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