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Idea: OSS Ruins


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My idea is this: FO3 takes place in Washington DC and it's surrounding areas. The real-life headquarters of America's intelligence agencies are in that area. And yet, we really (or at least I haven't, I haven't gotten very far due to my gaming computer clunking out and having to be repaired) don't see the remnants of any of them. This is a bummer, because it would have provided a ton of oppurtunities for crazy spy weapons and such. My idea is this: Create a ruined headquarters (probably in Virginia near Arlington and the Citadel) of the OSS. The OSS, or Office of Strategic Services, was the predecessor of the CIA, active during WWII. Sure, the CIA was formed in plenty of time to have been in the Fallout Universe, but I think the OSS would be neater and provide a "otherworldly" feeling of immersion. You'd come across the ruins and nothing of interest, but you'd be able to find a entrance to a bunker, or almost a vault.


Down there, you'd find skeletons of guys who'd been trying to run America's global intelligence network until the bombs dropped, and then for weeks after and onward and onward. You'd also probably find some documentation hinting that they were partially responsible for creating the Enclave (It is required in Science Fiction that the CIA be evil), and then eventually you'd enter some type of armory. There, you'd find a bunch of James Bond-esque spy gadgets. Imagine them: Baseballs that are Hand-Grenades, a switchblade that gives those stabbed by it near-lethal doses of radiation, a "Perfected Mesmetron" that works on EVERYTHING and more. And you would come across two NPCs: a OSS robot that was being programmed for assasinations and a frozen Super Secret-Agent who you could unfreeze.


It'd be cool if somebody did something like that.

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Another idea I came up with has to do with the Frozen Agent. He's a reference to Austin Powers, well, the "frozen" part is. So when he wakes up, it's been hundreds of years.


Depending on how you interact with him he will:

A) Become a companion

B)Try to seduce you (if you are female)

C)Think you are Russian (or, if you are an Asian character, Chinese) and try to kill you

D)Ask to be refrozen and not be unfrozen until his enemy, Baron Dreadutter, returns from space.

E)Become so depressed at the fact everything he knew is gone that he kills himself.

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