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misbehaving imagespaces!


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Greetings everyone


What would cause a properly referenced imagespace to not apply when a weather that calls upon it is forced active?


I'm having trouble with an imagespace assigned to a duplicated weather form. The imagespace is referenced correctly and present but when that weather form is called upon the imagespace reverts to default.

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Hey there :smile: ..in my test environment there is only RS and the mod I'm working with. I try to keep my modding Skyrim & CK separated from my gaming versions.


Assigning the original IS to the replacement weathers resulted in the reversion to default. And assigning a duplicate IS resulted in the same thing.


I see no reason for this to happen so I'm suspecting a game cache or CK limitation issue (or human error which I am quite prone to). I'd be willing to share the file to see if the same thing happens outside of my game and CK environment.

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