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MCM menu not showing mods


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I recall it taking some time to register in my game as well, although I'm afraid that I don't remember the details.


Since I don't know what you've already tried, I can offer this much... It could be one of those mods that just takes time to instantiate in the MCM, or it *might be one of those mods that requires the player to save their game and then reload Skyrim (and load that save) before it'll appear. (presumably, in that case, it has to be a part of the save file for whatever reason, and yes, mods like that *do* exist, or at least *have* during my ~2 years playing)


Of course, this all presumes you've installed whatever dependencies it requires (if any).


Sorry I can't be more help.

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It could also be that another mod is blocking it. Had an simmilar Problem with 2 Other mods. Both hat an MCM, one showed up and was "blocking" the other while it doesn't blocked any of the other MCM´s i had at this time it conflicet everytime with this one. Only thing i could suggest where disable one Mod at a time that have a MCM and see if it shows up.

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