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Order Of Battle


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Hello my friends,


I want to say before I start this, I am on a strange laptop that seems to hate me! the keypad seems to be missing certain keys! Like the dam k!!!!!! Copy and paste! Copy and paste! So please excuse any spelling!! Thank you!


I plan on making a mod by the name of 'Order Of Battle' there is I must say a chance that no this mod will not bare fruit. But I want to share my idea and my plans. At this time I have some spare time on my hands before College is due to start up again. So here we go!


The idea of the mod is very simple, taking what I think the civil war, and the war with the other factions, i.e the Forsworn and Bandits (they will be under the banner of 'The Bandit king' to add drama and the sensation that the player is not just fighting random people down on their luck).


The play will have to chose from the Stromers or the Empire, within the chambers of Ulfric or the good General there will be a new NPC's of a certain high rank. Once the Player has joined a faction the NPC will be free to talk to the player.

He will give some options.


Now this is where it gets interesting!!!


The Options are as follows.




The Field


Now from these listed I am sure you can use your skills to seduce what they mean! if not I am on hand like a a great king here to help you!!!


Below I will be the meanings in a nutshell.




The player will join in a battle where the main goal is to fight through a Town or Fort and into the main keep. Once in the keep there will be the enemy commander. killing him will win the battle.




The player will be placed in a battle the same as a 'The Field' battle but on a smaller scale. The goal is to destroy the entire enemy force.




This battle is a old fashioned two armies smash each other up till the other one is no more! These battles will be large in scale and may or may not take some time to finish! The Goal is the same as 'Skirmish' and that is too kill all enemy troops!


Simple, no?


Ok So now a little more detail!


Are you still with me?


Lets continue



In each 'battle' each army or force will consist of Archers, Swordsmen, and Two-Handed guys. The player must pick from one of those and then join the battle. The Player will be given his chosen gear, SO if the player chose an Archer class then the player will be given light armor of the faction along with YES a Bow and some arrows and a dagger!


In siege battles the player will be placed either on the floor of the keep or on the (lets call them walkways, you know what I mean! the place ontop of the wall where archers are!) The placing of the player will depend on the class. Either and Archer or a melee guy. (or girl! I am sorry!)


There will be battlements already placed for the attackers to, well attack, Meaning ways to get up onto the walkways ect.




The player will be rewarded with gold, in the future I want to add so having a certain rank in the faction will allow the player to have privileges within the battle, a small troop, Been able to carry their own weapons and armor ect.

But that will be for the future.


For the first version I want to keep it simple! Nice and easy to build from!


I am no scripting god! So I would need some pointers! But one step at a time!

The script, I would imagine would be a little easy. Teleport the player to a certain area, kill all the enemies then teleport them out, and a little gold for you! Simple........Right?


I will be learning as I go, I have the time to do it so why not?


There is a lot that I wrote right there, so I am not going to re read it to see if it makes sense!! Game Of Thrones re run has just come on and well it has 99.99% of my attention right now!


Read through what I have wrote, or don't if you don't then go %2$£ yourself!


Marry Christmas!!!!

Edited by Loki180
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I have finished two battle sites so far.


Plan is to finish all the battles sites then start work on the npcs and scripts.


Will post images as they get perfected.

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