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need a master character creator!


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Okay so, gf and I met in-game in WoW about 6 years ago. Took nearly 5 years but we finally got together IRL from about 1200mi apart. I absolutely LOVE Skyrim, and am amazed at what the game can do in terms of realism. I asked her if I could request she be created by a modder on the forums (I figured hottie gamer half-asian girl would merit integration into the game) and she sounded excited about it. I have no idea how to create hair meshes/textures so I've been at a loss trying to figure it all out for the past week. I use LIFE facial textures and have been spending a lot of time with the Lunari race lately. Also using CBBE v3 (which the gf hates of course) and quite a few hair mods (none of which have one that looks similar). I'd appreciate any help at all! Thanks in advance!




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