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Marriage Ceremony Problems


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Hello fellow Skyrim players,


I'm having a problem wherein the wedding ceremony for the marriage mechanic never starts. I wait in the Temple of Mara after arranging for it to begin, and then nothing. It just fails after the time frame elapses. I can go back to my betrothed and apologize, but the priest never gains the option of restarting the ceremony and I enter into a fail loop, wherein every conversation with the NPC in question results in a failure of the quest.


What can I do about it? Is my only option to skip the ceremony and force a console marriage?

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Here's an update to the problem. I tested marriage with several different NPCs, both normal and console-enabled, and the ceremony never starts for any of them.


When I wait outside the Temple of Mara for 24 hours, the game freezes when I try to re-enter. When I wait INSIDE the Temple of Mara, the game crashes after waiting so long, which I assume means it is crashing when the wedding starts.


Though I am using two mods that affect followers (My Home Is Your Home and AFT), I am not using any mods that affect the marriage or Temple at all. So I'm not sure what is going on here...

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  • 2 months later...

I have a similar problem. Before now, marriage worked fine for me. Absolutely perfectly. But now, with the same NPC, it doesnt work. Whenever I enter the Temple of Mara it crashes. :/ Found a fix yet?

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