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Army disband bug - very odd


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I've been dealing with this issue for a while now:

1. When I rule a kingdom AND put together an army, when I disband the parties that were in it continue to follow me around after. Not only that, they literally match every movement my party makes - I turn left, they turn left, etc. If I try to recruit them back into an army, the game crashes.


2. The only workaround I've found that works is ordering a companion party to join my party before the disband, but that does not work for parties from other clans.


3. These are the mods that are active: Bannerlord.Harmony*Bannerlord.ButterLib*Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx*Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen*Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen.MCMv3*Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen.ModLib*Native*SandBoxCore*Sandbox*CustomBattle*StoryMode*BannerLib*PlayerSwitcher*ModLib*CalradiaExpanded*Sergeants*WarbandMinors*zzzAmazonsBandits*CustomSpawnsCleanAPI*InterestingClans*xMoreWorkshops*MovementsOfCalradia*Pacemaker*Separatism*AmazonsOfCalradia*KnightsOfCalradia*swadian armoury*ScumAndVillainy*RoyalImperialGuards*


I've been using more mods, but these are the only ones left running with the current save (all others have been deactivated, these are the only ones left)


4. I've tried using Player Switcher to work around this (disband Army, switch to other party) but that doesn't work as well, it still follows the ruler of the faction around. Using cheats doesnp;t seem to work - Left Click to teleport and the party if still following, even if its on the other side of the world.


Has anyone ever encountered this problem?

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I'm having the exact same problem under the exact same circumstances (Player made faction, player led army) and the only mods we have in common are the baseline dependency mods (Harmony, butterlib, etc) and Calradia Expanded. So I'm guessing it's either CE or a vanilla bug. I started this playthrough on 1.5.4 stable and am now on 1.5.5 stable. Hopefully this post gets some more traction.
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So for me, the culprit was the mod I'm Tired. After any siege using an army I created, that's when the problems started, but if I disband before a siege there was no problem. After deactivating the mod and loading a save from before the first siege with the army, everything worked fine. If you're using either I'm Tired or Space Time Continuum (that mod is integrated into I'm Tired) I'd advise disabling them and loading an earlier save.
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