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How do I change a pre-made follower's race?


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I'm attempting to convert the follower Calista Summerstar (in the following mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29335) into the Temptress race, but even though I made an ESM copy of the Temptress plugin and did some tweaks to her NPC file in the CK, I always get CTD when the game starts up.

The thing is, I've made sure her master file dependencies are correct. I just don't see what the problem is at this stage...


If anyone would be willing to help me figure out what the problem is, I'd appreciate it.


EDIT: Additionally, I'd also like to know how to attach a face preset to an NPC. I'm making a Lunari archer follower and want her to look like one of the presets.

Edited by darkdill
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