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Public Domain Status of Music


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Since I like being on the Nexus and would rather not get banned for inadvertently using music in a mod that turns out is not free for me to use, I'm wondering if you know for certain if the versions of these songs are public domain. I'm pretty sure most of them are but I really want to be sure before using them. Potential music for a side quest for Mothership Zeta Crew. I'll probably have to scratch most of the German stuff for over-representation.

I'm pretty sure this one is since the uploader said it's from 1914 but I want to make absolutely certain.

. I'm pretty sure this one is but again, I want to make certain.

. My Greek consultant tells me this is but to be certain, I'm asking here.

. It says it's by Heino but I'm not sure if it or not. If it is, then I'll probably have to look for a different version or not use it since I don't think it's public domain.

Pernaei o Stratos. Greek consultant says public domain. Want to be sure.

Ton Kurion Ymneite. Greek consultant says public domain. Want to be sure.

Strike through means either scrapped or confirmed.

Edited by panzersharkcat
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Please note that while a particular musical score may be in the public domain, someone's arrangement and performance of that music still has copyright unless explicitly waived.


For instance, on your last link, the Greek Byzantine Choir would have copyright to their performance of that song. Unless they say "go ahead and use our performance of this music anywhere", you cannot.

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Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen: yes it is Heino and GEMA (german music rights organisation) will have a lot of fun with you if you use it. You have to be very careful even interpretations of national anthems can be copyrighted. Youtube is a very bad source. Btw. your music choice sounds pretty strange for a Fallout mod a lot of "3rd Reich" themes in it.

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Kaiserreich, not the Nazis. The German stuff is for the Teutonic Knights and the Triple Kingdom of Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, the former of which was mentioned in Mothership Zeta Crew and both of whom are enemies of the Fourth Reich mentioned in MZC. Calling them Nazis is a major berserk button. They will probably try to bludgeon you with very heavy objects and the Emperor probably wouldn't object, given that Greece was sort of occupied by the Nazis. Anyway, thanks. YouTube was just convenient. EDIT: So far, the ones confirmed are Song of the Volga Boatmen and God Save the King. There's some stuff by the Greek Byzantine Choir on Archive.org but not those, which I'll probably find a suitable substitute for.


EDIT 2: Found a version of Die Wacht am Rhein that's public domain on Archive.org. Confirmed that recording of Was Ist des Deutschen Vaterland is public domain, also by Archive.org. Also found an instrumental version of La Marseillaise.





EDIT 3: Found an instrumental version of Marche Henri IV on Wikipedia.

Edited by panzersharkcat
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panzersharkcat, on 04 Apr 2013 - 00:18, said:


Kaiserreich, not the Nazis. The German stuff is for the Teutonic Knights and the Triple Kingdom of Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, the former of which was mentioned in Mothership Zeta Crew and both of whom are enemies of the Fourth Reich mentioned in MZC.

Then you should consider a bit of a different music choice. I am from Austria (living in Vienna) and also did a lot of middle age renenactment :wink: . You are pretty off with some of the german songs. At least according our good old Austrian Kaiserreich :wink: and also for the Knights. This will be btw. a very difficult one because there aren't known traditional songs for Knight Orders (which aren't exclusively religious themed). We researched a lot for our Johanniter reenactment group. If you want to I can help a bit. German and Austrian culture get often falsely mixed up.

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The Teutonic Knights, as I have them written, used to be a Brotherhood of Steel type organization descended from the real Teutonic Knights but have, in recent decades, been taken over by the surviving members of the House of Hohenzollern intending to restore Imperial Germany. That's what most of the German songs are for, even if most will get cut since I plan on using only one for them (probably Was ist des Deutsche Vaterland, since I found a good public domain version of it and it's actually pretty catchy). The survivors of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine are the Triple Kingdom. The only song for them is Gott Erhalte Franz den Kaiser, which I can't find a public domain vocal version of. Yes, I'm well aware that Austrians don't like to be confused for Germans. In any case, though, any help with public domain music for Imperial Germany and Austria-Hungary would be appreciated.

EDIT: Oh, right. You're meeting in the Great Palace of Constantinople for the celebration of Enrico Dandolo Night. The Emperor I referred to is Alexius VI of Novus Imperium Romanum, which continue the numbering of their monarchs from the Byzantines.

Edited by panzersharkcat
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