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Far Cry

Are there any mods that let you fly or glide significantly longer with


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I just started hanging out here and it seems there isn't alot of people who hang around. Which is unfortunate. It is a FPS after all and not an RPG which is why the game doesn't have much for mods.

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  • 9 months later...

Interest in this game (and forum) seems to have died off by June/July of 2013. Beats me why.


Mr. Axe, I'm not aware of any mods on this site that allow for longer wingsuit, or hangglider distance/hangtime. Do you know how to use Ricks gibbed dunia2 mod tool set? That's how many of the mods/mod features on this site were created. I've been playing around with it since late last year (self taught after watching some online tutorials posted here, and the official farcry3 fourm at ubisoft).

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I looked in the ........MainCharacter/PawnPlayer.xml file (the file that defines the Jason Brody character characteristics/abilities/appearance, etc). There's as small command line paragraph that defines some of the wingsuit parameters (i.e. how far you drop and move forward before it deploys and so on); none of those were for a glideratio (vertical drop vs forward movement). Haven't found anything on the hang glider yet................

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