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Serious HUD issue


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Ok, so I was go on to try and play earlier, only to notice that my radar mor was messing up, so i tried to reinstall it, only to find the problem persist. So I decided to uninstall and reinstall all of my HUD mods. When I went to test it out, I was faced with a larger problem, none of my HUD mods, including MCM were working, I recieved an error from all of them saying that the didn't install properly. I used the same method to install as I did the first time so I couldnt figure it out. So I went ahead and deactivated all my mods, and did a fresh install. I install Project Nevada to see if the HUD is working, only to find that it's still messed up. I can't figure this out and have been trying to fix it for over 6 hours straight. It's a huge issue.


So is there something saving old HUD data somewhere? Does NMM not work right with FOMODs?


Please help, I'm stuck and I can't think of anything else to do.


I should mention that this is happening with only 1 mod installed, and I've tried out multiple mods.

Edited by senterpat
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I'm using uHUD. My problem is that none of the HUD mods are appearing. It's not working with just 1 HUD mod installed. But it's still registering them. For example when I tried with imcn his, the hotkey to move the HUD was working, but couldn't see it. (I know the hotkey was workin because it was making the vanilla HUD was responding how it normally does to the hotkey.
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