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Weird screen brightness/paleness.


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So I was playing Skyrim earlier, and I was running west of Whiterun when all of a sudden the screen gets really bright/pale, as if you were using a shout (for example Whirlwind Sprint.). It continued to do this for a minute or two, and then stopped. I could still see the game, and the menus didn't seem to be affected, but it repeatedly did it, with longer moments of paleness.


It's not a total impasse, but it IS slightly irritating, and I probably wouldn't be able to see at all in a snowy region like Winterhold.


I don't have any ENB's or anything that affect the landscape graphics. Does anyone know what the problem could be?

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Do you have any mods that lighting. a custom nighteye for example?

I tried the Drow race and used a custom spell that's tooltip stated that it drove away the darkness. Cast spell and receved permanent grayscale on everything except my HUD and menus.

I hope you have a save from before the event.


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