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Need Help with Scripting


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I'm just looking for some help with an attempted script I'm trying to make. I want to make a locked door open when I destroy a generator. I have linked the door to the generator and tried writing a script to make this happen but it always comes up with an error.


If anyone can provide assistance I would be grateful.


Edit: When I say generator, I mean one of the destructible electrical boxes.

Edited by Cartie3
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If the electrical box/generator has destruction data (look for 'Edit Destruction Data' in the object's record), then you can use OnDestructionStageChange to execute a command that will open the door once the electrical box is at the appropriate 'Damage Stage'. Something like:

begin OnDestructionStageChange  

	if GetDestructionStage == 3
		YourDoorREF.SetOpenState 1

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scn yourscriptname

ref linkeddoor
short runonce

begin GameMode

set linkeddoor to getlinkedref

if runonce == 0
if getdestroyed
set runonce to 1


p.s.: use this script in the e-box

Edited by nonplusultra
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