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if you cant open data folder


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hi guys if like me,for some reason ,you are unable to open the data folder in the launch menu,to chek your mods ,fallow these steps


(this is for windows xp but i think it should work for vista to)



find:C:\Documents and Settings\(your username)\Local Settings\Application Data\Fallout3


you should see there a text file name DLCList.txt


now creat a text file and name it plugins


in this file wriht the mod name file,should end up whit .esp and save it


now go to: C:\Documents and Settings\(your username\My Documents\My Games\Fallout3


there is the fallout3.ini ,open it and find the line



change it for 1


bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 <-like this


this is for alloweding pluggins


now paste your .esp file in your data folder of the instaled game if isnt already done. and you have your mod install

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