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A potpourri of questions (concerning navmesh, aliases and dialogue)


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I have collected a couple of questions during the last few days and hope someone can help me out. While the questions don't have much to do with each other, I have put them into one post to not clutter the forum too much.

1. From the CK tutorial I thought that the navmesh tells an actor where it can walk and where it can't. But I have noticed that some actors love to walk were they shouldn't be able to do so. For example I changed the furniture in one of the existing houses a little; I added a chest and modified the navmesh so there was a decent bit of space between the object and the navmesh. My follower still tries to walk over the chest every time I visit said room instead of simply staying on the navmesh and walking around it. I can't help but thinking that I might have to do something more to keep the actors from trying to walk over the furniture - but I am at a loss with what it might be.

2. Apart from that, I seem to do something wrong when adding aliases to a quest too. As soon as I add an alias to a quest, the dialogue either stops working (even if it is not connected to the dialogue itself) or I can not remove the link established through the alias again (if it is linked to the dialogue). For example: I gave Sifnar some dialogue via an alias, which worked fine. But when I later on changed the actor connected to the alias, Sifnar kept saying the dialogue no matter what. The odd thing is, this only seems to happen when the alias refers to actors already existing in the game, the tutorial-quest from the CK-Wiki works fine, even though I used several aliases in it. When creating an alias, I just give it a name, link it to an actor and click ok.

3. Last but not least I would like to write a script which is triggered by stepping out of dialogue with someone. As this is basically what the Goodbye messages do, I figured, it couldn't be too hard or too exotic, but unfortunately I couldn't find a suitable event for this. I tried OnRelease(), which seemed to be the closest thing to what I wanted, but it didn't work.

Thank you for reading and I would be very happy if someone could offer me some advice.

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