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With ENB's none of my lights, cast light. It's weird.


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Hey sample screenshots. 1st is vanilla. In the bowl there's a flame, it casts a light, that sort makes the wall, shimmer n reflect the light a bit, hasn't shown up great, but I'm sure you'll know what I mean, flames cast a light that sort of dances.





In the 2nd you'll see though the scene is bright, the flames don't cast a light anymore, makes my world very static.http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/6686/2013032000035.jpg


So does anyone know what I have to alter with the ENB to get my flickering flames back please? I have The ENB Configurator tool if anyone can tell me what I mighht alter in their please.

All my fiddles have just ruined what is otherwise a perfectly great image.


:( Apologies if this is the wrong forum btw, not quite sure where ENB's fit in the game/mods/problems sub sections.

Edited by neiljwd
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