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DAO Toolset: Difference between level and area?

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Hey, :smile:


I just had a look at the DragonAgeToolset and played around a bit.

I already asked google but I dont really get the difference between a level and an area.

Do I need an area to create levels? Or is a level just a self-made area? or what is it?


Thy for help :smile:


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Areas are basically a second layer on top of a level. Thus you always need levels if you are going to create an area.


Levels contain everything that doesn't change and can't be interacted with by the player. It is levels where you create water, hills, place towers and vegetation. Lightmapping is also done on levels.

Areas conversly, contain things that can change such as creatures, lootable containers, and triggers.


When you create an area you then need to select level the area contains. You can either create your own levels or use levels from dragon age origins.


Basically, if you want to create your own custom areas like a new farm village, you will first need to create the farm village level. Then once the level is created you need to create an area to allow you to add things like farmers and chickens.


Some helpful resources

To explain some of the processes needed for level making: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Tutorials

Look at how bioware made their levels for origins: http://social.bioware.com/project/1331/#files

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