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MOD Comeing ( The Sovereign of Rites ) Beta 0.1


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about Ready to put another fiel update on got Magnus Brich to work as a follower somewhat.


still figgering out how every thing works haveing trouble with the Dialogue not poping up after you hire and set him to follow.

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Building a new script that will make it so you can build statics, say i want to build a building that a NPC can use.


Also building a Dial, Script, Quest so you can Recruit settlers for your base but still looking for the best way on makeing it work.


If anyone has any good script out there that i can use to help me build my own script for this mod i'd apprissate the script.


I'm looking for a Flagpole with flag and some animation for it, so i can give you Base a more do it your self country feel.


I need a team so if you whant to help you can PM me in fallout nexus or Email me at [email protected] , so far ive ben doing this all by my lonesome self, learning a lot.

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I need some Help i found a way to place Statics but haveing some trouble tuneing it because i have a system that can Bearly run Fallout 3,


i need some one to help me out and make the door placement work right when you activate the MainBluePrintScript.


All you have to do is make a Tweak add the Correct lines to Script that will place a Static building with a door at the righ location Near were your at.




scn MainBluePrintsScript





; Shelter door opens on activate, stopping idle. Idle resumes when door is closed.


float timer

short on


begin onLoad

set on to 0



begin onActivate


if player.issneaking == 1

SRMainBuildingREF.MoveTo player






if on == 0

if (isAnimPlaying Backward == 0)

playgroup Forward 0

set on to 1



elseif on == 1

if (isAnimPlaying Forward == 0)

playgroup Backward 0

set on to 0






begin GameMode


if on == 0 && isAnimPlaying == 0

playgroup SpecialIdle 0

set on to 0







any way i need the right placement cords for MoveTo Player or something for the door object.

im going to use a Maker, Recall, Script for the Door teleporter script thingy.

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Got a Site started, Project Sovereign Of Rites




so if your interested contact me through here and sing up on the site up there.


Give better detell of what im trieing to do.

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The Beta0.1 will be a Beta-Demo you will just get a Crew that can build a Outpost and hire 4 New NPCs.


The Team is geting Bigger but we still need people.

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Sounds great.


Just an idea you might want to use the new mod GTS - Global Travel Systems ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3157 ) to put the new nation somewhere outside of the Capital Wasteland. GTS allows you to create a new region anywhere in the world.


This might help you from conflicting with other mods.


The story could be that the follower who is helping you knows of a region that is fairly quite and a good place to start building. You travel to say... Iowa or some state or area an begin setting up your state in a small area there. You then expand and explore that map (Iowa or what not) and encounter other groups like raiders and such...


Just thinking this might be good because for such a large planned mod there is likely to be future conflicts with others. Putting it in another unique world map (which doesn't have to be as big a Capital Wasteland) would stop this.

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