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MOD Comeing ( The Sovereign of Rites ) Beta 0.1


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so where waiting on the flag 3d, to realy get the ball rollng faster.


we have been working on Ligistics for the last 4 days so not much has been done sence the 0.09 witch isnt realy ready yet.


when we do get thing done we will release a the Demo and it should be Very playible.

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looking for some info i looked in wiki but cant find any help


what im looking for a way to add scn Sript, to my Generic character.



you meat a wastlander out in the wastes


A dial pops up saying do you whant to join my country of course this at gun poin for now.


Shure why not.


then what can i add to the Results Begining or end what would start a New Script


say this script


scn SRCivJoinScript


;Follower Variable

short Hired

short IsFollowingDefault

short Waiting

short LiveHere

short Taxs

short Food

short DoOnce


BEGIN GameMode

;Starts the Faction.

if ( DoOnce == 1 )


AddToFaction SRFaction 0

AddScriptPackage SRCivFollowPlayerDEFAULT







whats the Best way to do this?

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Did a lot of work learned some new things about script functions, commands,but hit a snag with some Dial to Script variables.




I know i can do this but i have been one sence 7am its 2am the next day so im going to hit the hay and hope some one with the knowege can give me a bit of info.


now whats left for the demo is Stream line the Dial, and get a 3d Flagpole, set up the Building build scripts right NEED SLEEP...



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I lerned how to make .Nif yesterday tolk all day to make a gold pan for a mod im mite add to the game but i think ill release the Gold Panning Mod befor i get the demo done.
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had some rest I still need some more but any way i got my 2ed 3d done ops almost uploadd the wrong image...

I made this yesterday useing Blander probible need some ajusting but it worked fine in geck so no warys.

Oh Mattlock737 got his PSU installed but had to reinstall every thing so now that i got all but the tweaking and building not done he can handle the last bits of scripting too, not lol.


once i get this script codes working for building & Character recruitment i should be able to just hook the rest up from there for the DEMO...

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looking for a tutoral lol i keep geting lost in all the one's i look at any way im using the dds exporter for blender newest as of today and i keep geting lost in all the things i have to do to get a great .nif file made, I think it would be great if it was all in one page for For Fallout 3 seting and all!


is 5.16 mb to big for a dds file?

wow is any one readying theses things. :mellow:


any way im have problems geting the thing to work right heres a file i worked on today

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Got the Files for my Companion updated and working right. Hes a working Follower now but with out hardly any voice.



this is the New Topic for this topic

hey Admin can you close this Topic please, i want to use the topic above for the moding infomation.






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