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Skyrim launching via steam WITHOUT ME DOING ANYTHING.


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As title says, my skyrim is launched by steam without me clicking anything, and I have no idea why. It has only happened since patch 1.9 yesterday, and its a really wierd bug that I cannot find ANY info on anywhere.


Before anyone asks the obvious - I can't post on the steam forums, I just made an account which hasnt been authorised to post yet, so this is the only logical place I can ask - I have verified all my files multiple times, scanned for viruses, and everything came up clean.


I do use SKSE with a launcher re-route (using an ini file) but that shouldnt be doing it as far as I am aware.


And lastly, as long as my steam is open, once it starts bugging out (its not a constant from startup thing, it seems to happen when skyrim updates, as there was another small update today) it self-opens around every 1-2 minutes.


So I want to ask, has ANYONE else had this issue, and short of removing steam completely, or skyrim, are there measure I could try to fix the issue?


Any help would be appreciated, as it is annoying as hell to be in the middle of broswing or playing another game only to have skyrim open and cause my whole PC to act wierd.


Oh, and another steam issue caused by this bug, my steam account remains active even if I shut steam off, and it refuses to open again once closed unless I restart the whole system. Making even more problems for me as my contacts try to talk to me, and I am not even online.

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