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[Mod Requiest] Multiple holstered weapons !


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Currently I'm using CHW and it works great ! but I've always wondered how the sole survivor fit all those guns in his pockets, so I looked up if there's any mod that makes several of your weapons visibly holstered in 3rd person. I found this mod for New Vegas called Armed To The Teeth (ATTT) [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/64147] and it's what I'm looking for but it's for New Vegas :sad:


I'm thinking if this decade-old game can do it then the new FO4 is capable too! the technology is here! ...right?


In addition to having them on your back, imagine if you could even have your rifle sling to your front, military-style and maybe a pistol on one side of the hip, and a machete on the other.. be really prepared for the apocalypse ^^

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