TheRealJakeZilla Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 Hello! I'm new to the whole Morrowind modding thing and have been messing around with both the classic construction kit and the Open MW Construction kit. One of the first things I noticed was a lack of a world space option under the world tabs. I was wondering if there are any third party mods, expansions, or software's that allow you to add multiple world spaces. I know You can move off the main map and add more terrain but I find that doesn't really work for what I need.It would also be epic if custom skyboxes could be added but not strictly necessary. Aswell as possible a separate regain map.Another possibility would be adding terrain, skybox, water, and weather to an interior cell If anyone is secretly working on one and needs a demo tester please reach out to me! Jake_ZillaDiscord: JakeZilla#45772021-01-02 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KittymirCuten Posted January 5, 2021 Share Posted January 5, 2021 (edited) Hello! I'm new to the whole Morrowind modding thing and have been messing around with both the classic construction kit and the Open MW Construction kit. One of the first things I noticed was a lack of a world space option under the world tabs. I was wondering if there are any third party mods, expansions, or software's that allow you to add multiple world spaces. I know You can move off the main map and add more terrain but I find that doesn't really work for what I need.It would also be epic if custom skyboxes could be added but not strictly necessary. Aswell as possible a separate regain map.Another possibility would be adding terrain, skybox, water, and weather to an interior cell If anyone is secretly working on one and needs a demo tester please reach out to me! Jake_ZillaDiscord: JakeZilla#45772021-01-02Well while I'm working on diagnosing my own scripting errors for an unrelated mod, I got a tiny bit of spare time to give advice... I can give some tiny quick advice which doesn't do much for your idea as a whole, but may help a little. You can go to interior cells, and checkmark Behave Like An Exterior. Also interestingly thing I learned like an upside to interiors is that adjust water level scripts work for interiors but not exteriors... I had ideas for a world flooding ability by changing sea levels, but learned it could only work in interiors. Useful statics to make interiors look more... Natural are often named things like flora something or terrain something. IE... flora_bc_moss_01terrain_rock_gl_10 Also you can copy the default statics models, and use them for a custom activator so you can make amazingly immersive stuff... Like climbable trees. Containers AFAIK can work like activators but statics can't. GetPCColliding can give you a lot of ideas... Getting burnt by collision, frost bitten... Gaining a special power by bumping something... Whatever idea you want... I've been experimenting a lot with the MW Creation Kit lately, and I'm probably nerding out by now and getting somewhat off topic, but anyways I'll get back more to trying to answer your exact question, and I'll provide you with a script of mine I made, which if you don't know scripting very well might be able to help you somewhat. Here is a link to a BSA Unpacker not sure if you have it or not yet... You can unpack Meshes from it, and copy these meshes to a custom folder in meshes... I know it works for replacing statics with scriptable activators... I think it might work for clouds if they're meshes I'm not sure though. I know that Skyrim had Cloud meshes from what I can recall or activators... Morrowind I'm not sure. There's a steamier bittercoast mod for Morrowind... Maybe you could try putting steam in the sky to imitate clouds, and make the sky a blueish-grey color?? I know a way to simulate sunburn for vampires in interiors, which relates to the script I'm sharing... Begin ____NyxPaNTGlobals float TimePassed Short NyxPaKeepRepeatin Short NyxPaFPSController If ( MenuMode == 1 ) return Endif ; Day Night Simplifier Below If ( TimePassed >= 5 ) Set TimePassed to 0 Set NyxPaFPSController to 0 Set NyxPaKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif ; Testin Here If ( NyxPaFPSController == 0 ) if ( GameHour <= 6 ) Set NyxPaNightSpawns to 1 Set NyxPaKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif Endif If ( NyxPaFPSController == 0 ) If ( GameHour >= 7 ) If ( GameHour < 20 ) Set NyxPaNightSpawns to 1 Set NyxPaKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif Endif Endif If ( NyxPaFPSController == 0 ) If ( GameHour >= 20 ) Set NyxPaNightSpawns to 1 Set NyxPaKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif Endif ; Day Night Simplifier Above My full script has more than that, but that's how it tracks day and night. NyxPaNightSpawns is a Global so it isn't listed as a short at the top, it's a global to interact with other scripts. So I don't have to use too many If conditions for my other scripts that rely on night day cycles combined with other situations. NyxPaFPSController my globals script that supports my other scripts, is simply there so all the subscripts built into the script fires only every five seconds (by timing every subscript exactly the same for this script), thus doesn't cause massive system bloat, performance problems, lowered frames per second /etc/ If ( NyxPaNightSpawns == 1 )is Night Time. If ( NyxPaNightSpawns == 0 )is day time. My NightSpawns script I combine with my separate script to make it effect what enemies spawn when holding a torch or lantern, but in and of itself is just a global that simplifies the conditions of knowing rather it's day or night. Note that how you do spacing with scripting is extremely important. Miss a spacing like this...If ( NyxPaNightSpawns == 0) Or forget a parenthesis like thisIf ( NyxPaNightSpawns == 0 And it can easily kill a script... Also please note, often times what you name a script or it's variables doesn't actually matter or have any effect, any name you can keep track of will do. Cause I'm paranoid about modding conflicts I name almost everything I script or make NyxPa this or NyxPa that, and often use slightly incorrect english because I don't want to chance my scripted terms conflicting with another mods scripted terms... Via overwriting and so on. SoIf ( NyxPaNightSpawnsXXX == 0 )OrIf ( TheRealJakeZilla == 0 )Long as the bit in between matches over parts of the script, and either the shorts longs and floats at the top, or a global it should work exactly the same. I got super confused about scripting for years cause I didn't realize the names you give these things if they are custom functions, don't actually matter or have any noticeable effect. Anyways, you can copy my script, and for vampirism if you wanna simulate vampiric sunburn in an interior... Begin ____NyxPaNTGlobals float TimePassed Short NyxPaKeepRepeatin Short NyxPaFPSController If ( MenuMode == 1 ) return Endif ; Day Night Simplifier Below If ( TimePassed >= 5 ) Set TimePassed to 0 Set NyxPaFPSController to 0 Set NyxPaKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif ; Testin Here if ( GetInterior == 0 ) If ( NyxPaFPSController == 0 ) if ( GameHour <= 6 ) Set NyxPaNightSpawns to 1 Set NyxPaKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif Endif Endif if ( GetInterior == 0 ) If ( NyxPaFPSController == 0 ) If ( GameHour >= 7 ) If ( GameHour < 20 ) Set NyxPaNightSpawns to 1 Set NyxPaKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif Endif Endif Endif if ( GetInterior == 0 ) If ( NyxPaFPSController == 0 ) If ( GameHour >= 20 ) Set NyxPaNightSpawns to 1 Set NyxPaKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif Endif Endif ; Day Night Simplifier Above This is a day night script that only functions outside... To make one that only functions inside copy and paste most of my script and replace...if ( GetInterior == 0 )Withif ( GetInterior == 1 ) So for my final example here, I'll make one that burns vampires... So Assuming you copy and paste my script and make a global... Hopefully with my short variables and global variable renamed to something else, it should be the exact same function with a different name, thus no mod script conflicts... So to make a script to go with it... Begin __YourScriptVampIntrBurn Short YourChoiceVampBurn Short YourChoiceKeepRepeatin If ( "Player"->GetSpell "vampire touch" ) If ( NyxPaNightSpawns == 1 ) if ( GetInterior == 1 ) Player->RemoveSpell "YourCustomBurnSpellID" Set YourChoiceVampBurn to 0 Set YourChoiceKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif Endif Endif End Now just make a custom spell called "YourCustomBurnSpellID" and add the proper spell effects in this case fire damage on self... Oh and one more example script... It's how I've learned to make scripts more understandable to myself and thus easier to fix... Don't know what it's called but this button on the keyboard...;To the right of L on most keyboards... Everything on the same line after it has zero effect on the script itself. Which means it's great for writing notes on your script. My Standard scripting practice is I copy and paste a script I want looking at this page... Then back it up... Anywhere... Online diary, desktop text documents... Copying and pasting always works for backing up scripts... Though custom ID stuff like objects, characters/etc still need to have their data saved... Anyways Anyways... After backing it up if it's not working right when say you make a script with five conditions, I will often delete an If condition, then another... Until it works also... Use this a lot... When investigating if a script if function works right... Messagebox "This is a test of a function'Whatever you want it to say is just to help you diagnose scripting errors... Oh yeah... And that note thing... Little technique I do to diagnose script errors more quickly. Begin __YourScriptVampIntrBurn Short YourChoiceVampBurn Short YourChoiceKeepRepeatin Short YourOtherExperimentShort If ( "Player"->GetSpell "vampire touch" ) If ( NyxPaNightSpawns == 1 ) if ( GetInterior == 1 ) Player->RemoveSpell "YourCustomBurnSpellID" Set YourChoiceVampBurn to 0 Set YourChoiceKeepRepeatin to 0 Endif Endif Endif ; So we know the above script works and we don't want to risk breaking the hard work on ; Making this script so far work properly. So we're gonna add new functions that might ; malfunction or be miscalculated beneath this point... IF ( YOurScriptExperimentHere == 1) Messagebox "Testing additional function now" Set YourOtherExperimentShort to 0 Endif ; Note just make sure there's only one end. I mean MAYBE it can work to have more than one ; End but in my experience that's never good and always breaks scripts. Also remember end ; is very different from endif ; Elseifs are a thing too but seem more complex and I haven't used them myself much yet ; Stuff like short variables named things like ; Setting YourFunctionHere to 0 ; Is a good way to make a script that repeats itself under appropriate circumstances ; which a lot of simple scripts that heavily alter gameplay do ; You can set a short variables stage to 2 or 3 I don't know if there's a limit ; Which is for multiple stages in a script... Like an activator that first say does ; Fire explosion followed by frost explosion the second time... ; End Also note for every If you must put an endif, and a scriptsIf Conditions can only have up to ten, and reducing multiples Ifs into a global is a way of getting past this limit... Also note there's a certain size limit to scripts... Somewhere between 800 to 1000 lines of text and scripts randomly break. Says something like squashed or crushed or something. Means you need to shrink the script and at worst make multiple scripts to get past that hardcoded scripting limitation. Also note Edit Start Scripts are scripts that are always active, unless their If Condition is not met. And you can add a If ( Interior == 1)ReturnEndif Just for example to make it only work in interiors but you can make a script that won't go off unless you're colliding with something which for me was an FPS lifesaver with my tree climbing script. The script length size seems somewhat random, not technically random, but even I'm not script nerdy enough to fully comprehend it. Basically I have some scripts a little over 1000 lines that work fine but others malfunction around 800 lines... So just be aware, you're script might malfunction around that point. Also just cause the script compiles doesn't mean it'll work. I've made typos with variables and had it not work, and spent a day of confusion many a times over that. Biggest obstacle I see for you is GetCurrentWeather not working in interiors, depending on what you want to do. I talked your ear off about scripting cause it's things I wish I was told about what I was doing wrong so I told you what I did as a result... Anyways some ideas for you to make an immersive interior that doesn't look like an interior... You could make a day night cycle script to make gameplay functions more immersive inside even without the default weather being available... Well actually you MIGHT be able to get it to work with Region Weather Type in Cell Options but I'm not sure, have to test if you're curious, and I got other experiments to do atm as far as that goes. Anything in statics named Terrain or Flora is a great starting point to making naturalistic looking interiors. You could make a script that detects when you are in a custom interior, and teleport you to an almost identical cell at night time if you are in that cell. To make transitions between exteriors feel immersive you could make doors with the models of waterfalls with very dark hallways behind them, and make them activate upon colliding with them viaif ( GetCollidingPC == 1 )You could do a colliding script with any model you want to make transitions between pseudo-exteriors feel more immersive and naturalistic. You also make teleport spells that work depending on looking angle, the cell you are in, and what you are colliding into... if ( player->GetAngle, X == 90.0 ) Is Looking directly down for example. Here is my teleport script which I give you the permission to re-engineer with different names for the short variables of course Begin AADweImplantsHealthsftw GetStartingPos, Axis GetStartingAngle, Axis Short HasItemEquipped Short objectCount Short DwemrRetreatMechanism If ( MenuMode == 1 ) Return Endif ;Looking directly down w casting makes you cast recall at the expense of Magicka If ( player->Getmagicka >= 18 ) if ( player->GetAngle, X == 90.0 ) if ( GetPCSneaking== 1 ) if ( player->HasItemEquipped "ANyxPanNinjaBlinkBrclt" == 1 ) If ( Player->GetSpellReadied == 1 ) If ( player->GetItemCount, "AADwemImplantsEscap" == 1 ) Player->PlaySound3DVP "Mysticism Hit", 1.0, 1.0 Player->ModCurrentMagicka, -18 CenterOnCell, "Area Vvardyone" "Player"->SetPos, X, 3960.819 "Player"->SetPos, Z, 14480.000 "Player"->SetPos, Y, 4160.823 Fixme Set DwemrRetreatMechanism to 0 Endif Endif Endif Endif Endif Endif if ( GetPCSneaking== 0 ) Return Set DwemrRetreatMechanism to 0 Endif End Reengineering scripts is a great path for beginners also... Another thing to know about is Nifskope and meshes and fps and system resources... I started with the Skyrim CK and moved to the Morrowind CK even though I played Morrowind way before anyways... You can reverse engineer my vampire interior sunburn script and say replace it with frostbite for snowy stuff or blight disease risk for ashy stuff just to give you a few ideas, or make snow storms summon things like frost atronachs... You can combine meshes together in Nifskope even reshape vanilla meshes by messing with the scale. Please save a lot in Nifskope cause it has no back button and you probably wanna backup your vanilla meshes to avoid having to extract BSAs again I use unique names a lot for that reason. Also the Force 1st Person command is great for situations that don't look right in 3rd person or you don't have the animations for and you can forceswitch 3rd person afterwards then disable the forceif conditions after whatever task involving that is done. Imo personally making new stuff by combining and reshaping already existing meshes is actually much easier than blender cause you don't have to do a bunch of the complex coding new meshes to be compatible with MWs engine which I Still don't understand to this day... I made a freaking very real looking dwemer hoverbike that way. And a glass/dwemer compound sword. My big cave in Skyrim for the Aundae Vampires, had a lot of these Blackreach vines. Hundreds thousands maybe it was so long ago I don't know... But my FPS was horrible unplayable... Til I used Nifskope to fuse the ground cave model to the vine model then the FPS was way better and it looked exactly the same. So you can get incredibly creative by doing similar things. And meshes use default textures by default so if a mesh has the texture you want then it's already all set up for your plans... Few more things to a beginner as someone who used to be a beginner, I'll tell you what I consider best about the Skyrim CK and the Morrowind CK... In my edited post after this... Edit: Alright didn't want lose 20 minutes of my time risking accidentally deleting everything I shared so finishing up past this point... As a Morrowind modder and Skyrim modder being my greatest expertise in life, I'll weigh the cons and ups of both Morrowind CK ups.Levitate Effect.Jump Effect.More diverse art style of vanilla models to mess with to make your own stuff...Vanilla combat is already fairly challenging, so it's easier to mod Morrowind to be a hard game.Highly diverse weather effects.So much Dwemer stuff to work with.World designed around teleporting meaning less bugs risk and bug overhauls to worry about involving these things.Every animal and NPC has a unique run speed.Slowfall Effect.Several more weapon types.Other than Mournholds pseudo exteriors the game itself is designed with a totally three dimensional world designed with levitating and jumping in mind... Where as Skyrim's instanced cities often lack collision, which from a modders perspective can be a major downside.Underwater combat enabled.Casting Stance, and Weapon Readied Stance are great as alternate "Buttons". I use Casting Stance to enter the hoverbike in my upcoming hoverbike mod for instance- if you are also colliding that is... Leaving casting stance makes you exit it.Sewers yeah sewers, MW has fairly extensive sewers by default imo only falling behind the Fallout series in big underground sewer worlds in Bethesda's games.NPCs not wandering like Skyrim makes it easier to make a super deadly world to the player.Openmw opened so many new possibilities like even realistic movement and camera and view distance for openmw latest nightly.Matter of taste but I like the option of randomly dodging attacks in MWs combat.Weapon skill matters a lot more.A lot more spells in general available for spell making.Vampires still take sun damage, no need to mod it in or make compatibility patches around it.No essentials destroying immersion. The dialogue system and no voice requirement for NPCs makes modding a lot of stuff in much easier and more simple. Also consumes a lot less space and resources. In some ways a text based world builder Morrowind is superior to a voiced world builder like Skyrim... Unpopular opinion Morrowind's dialogue is better in my tastes... But that's that just my tastes moving on.... Also Morrowind's jumpy-levitatety compatible world means multiple mods don't have to risk conflict to work together in that kind way effortlessly no patches needed. Skyrim CK Ups...You can choose to ignore certain in-game categories like statics or activators to avoid accidentally selecting the wrong thing, and the replacer function that is Edit->Search And Replace function is more advanced than MWs.Skyrim has Keywords very useful for scriping which MW doesn't have at all.Conditions can be attached to spells themselves in Skyrim.Skyrim can detect what spell is equipped not just spell effects.NPCs act more realistic.Better default animations.NPCs are much much much easier to program to do what you want them to do.In my experience at least MW has no condition to detect if you are swimming...NPCs fighting other NPCs is much easier and more efficient.Big battles with many combatants drain less FPS.Less weapon types but weapon stats are easier to change.Creature stats like reach are easier to change.Cloak Spells and Shouts make a lot of scripts possible.Projectile Shout spell for scripting is amazing.Skyrim has a working headshots mod idk if that's MW possible.Skyrim has grass by default... Grass causes MW much more noticeable FPS and load time issues currently imo.Skyrim itself has much better FPS and load times than MW if you make MW look much better or be much bigger than vanilla.For all it's blandness as a whole compared to MW, Blackreach is pretty neat, and huge.Horses make designing creatures and vehicles a lot more simple to design than say well stuff like my hoverbike for MW which I make put you in 1st person cause it only looks proper that way, immersion killing animation issues that is.AFAIK in Skyrim you can make NPCs that only damage the player MW not so much.To this day MW's water can't touch the realism of Skyrim's water especially with waves. I am very biased in favor of MW but I'm TRYING to be impartial and unbiased here... Also I'd say MW is #1 for customizing stats, and while I like MW's more physically inhuman beast races, Skyrim is #1 in physical appearance customization. From my biased viewpoint it's also MW's artistic power versus Skyrim's raw technological graphical power... But mods can of course, modernize MW's graphics, or make Skyrim's art style and world look a lot more interesting and less generic... And back on topic... World Spaces... World Spaces are a huge absolutely massive plus for Skyrim's game development software. Probably one of the number one reasons Skyrim's modding got so far. You can look at my JurassicNightTerrors mod for my primary massive gameplay overhaul for Morrowind, it involves some ideas a long time ago I thought about adding to Skyrim, but my computer couldn't run Skyrim at the time, so I kept experimenting on Morrowind, and got so far, I'm gonna finish this mod then take a break from massive amounts of time a day modding MW before I even think about doing my idea of a JurassicNightTerrors mod for Skyrim. Oh yeah and about Nifskope basically you open the file, right click NiNode, click Block, click Copy Branch, then File->New Window then the other model you wanna fuse with and after right clicking it's NiNode click block then click paste then save then transform then apply then save again... I save a lot in Nifskope and often get a ton of copies cause I'm so paranoid about losing progress on projects... And if you are into texturing Nifskope and Aorta are essential for that in my experience also... Oh and something slightly depressing: Some models from MW copy and paste together like a charm, I don't mean just appearance I mean like programmed compatibility. I understand virtually nothing about this, but it's just a thing to experiment with, unless you're some type of nerd god whose expertise of these things far surpasses my own and is able to do things impossible to my model editing and making skill level. Parts of sphere Centurion I was able to fuse together with a custom mesh, but not sphere centurion for some reason, even though I wanted to make a mask fitting a khajiit skull out of a centurion's head... It just wasn't compatible by default, and if it CAN be made compatible, I'm not a good enough programmer to figure out how... Be aware you may run into similar obstacles. I can create meshes from scratch in Sculptris but I don't have the expertise to program that to become compatible with Bethsofts games or any known games that I'm aware of yet... I can modify meshes heavily pretty quickly, I'm decent at scripting but... Animation, making totally done from scratch meshes work in game, or making naturally incompatible meshes compatible, I have nowhere near the programming expertise to do that. I spent over a year trying but my brain doesn't seem to naturally work well with that for whatever reason- even trying to follow guides and all. Maybe you'll do better at that stuff than me if that's what strikes your interest. In my experience Skyrim is easier to make textures and apply them for than in MW. I've found it very easy doing basic weapon and armor mesh mods in Morrowind without animation problems, haven't tested it as much in Skyrim so I'm not sure. About scripting BTW when doing a script that repeats every so seconds the longer the delay the better the fps and performance so it's a balancing act usually... Anyways good look with your modding, and I hope my info helped you in some way... Told you everything I would've told myself if I could travel in time. Edited January 5, 2021 by KittyBastetinati Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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