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Effect Help


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I'm trying to do 2 things that I'm having a problem with:


1. I've changed critical hits to have the "calculate weapon damage" effect so they can have a proper bonus to damage ("calculate my critical hit damage" +100 does not give 100% more damage like you would think), but then the criticals don't register as criticals (was expected). Does someone know of a way to do this and still have the criticals register?


2. I made a perk that fortifies health by 20% while wearing full heavy armor. One effect adds the fortify health spell, and the other effect sets the magnitude of the spell to 20% of the player's health. It works, but the magnitude is static. So if you raise your health, the 20% does not adjust; it will always be the same magnitude. I've tried a lot of things to get around this without scripting, to no avail. Can anyone help me with this?


Thanks in advance for any help or tips! :wink:


Edit: Also, the spell's tooltip seems to adjust its magnitude, but the effect on my health does not reflect it.

Update: I notice that if the perk is removed and added again, then the magnitude updates, so I've been experimenting with some simple scripts to remove and add the perk, but that doesn't seem to do anything either. I'd rather not do it that way though. I really would like the health to just update automatically. I don't understand why it doesn't.

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