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Halo content for Fallout 3


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Okay, so I know it's non-canon, but I think it would be cool to have Halo weapon retextures (since a lot of Fallout 3 weapons have the same names, as well as other unique weapons like Spartan laser and Brute spikers and energy swords (who would want to slice up some Talon Com. Mercs with it?) into Fallout. Plus fighting elites and brutes would be interesting in the game, even if they didn't fit in (maybe aliens invaded Earth to conquer the war-torn remains of humanity?) :cool: .


I don't have such experience to undertake such a mod, but I'm requesting this ever since I've heard of the Spartan VI armor being planned for Fallout 3 nexus (See this image http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=1133). I'd like to hear your opinions and any other ideas you might have. Maybe someone will be able to do this and release it here for us to download :thumbsup: .


This is a general request, not focusing on any specific thing like armor, halo3 or such. This is just to throw ideas in.


Finally, fighting flood in place of ghouls would be nice.




There are already requests for armor and quests from Halo, though. I'm discussing enemies and retextures mostly, as well as cool weapon imports in case anyone asks.

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Noobsauce, it took me a whole 4 hours to understand that with nifskope and cinema4d, I can pretty much put any weapon from any game into F03 with the correct animations.


Jao, If you can find models that are not ripped from the game, or some way of legally importing the models, please send me the models/information, and I will gladly fix them up for you.

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