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Keys not working properly in console *URGENT*


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Well im having this really wierd problem... when i open up console and type Ex: tgm the m in the tgm gets replaced with , even though i dident press it, So when i type TGM in the console it appears as tg, and when i press W in the console it appears as Z so i dont know why but some of my keys when i type them in console are binded to other keys some how. i did nothing to the keys to bind them it was like 2 months since i played nv so i decied to come on and bam they dont work properly anymore... And when i exit out of fallout nv and go into google chrome and type tgm and w it appears as the right words it just dosent work in game properly for some reason and when i use W to walk ingame it works fine but when i go into the console and try to type stuff it gets well f*#@ed up. Please help. I have looked everywhere and i sitll cant fix this!

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You don't happen to have your keyboard settings in Windows set to US/UK international do you? If so you need to set it to US/UK standard, not international. That's a big cause of this problem, had it myself once.

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That's a nice k/brd, shouldn't be playing up like that, only fairly standard configuration of keys (not like my G19 or anything). Have you tried reinstalling/updating the drivers? And checking profiling settings?


Other than that, i should of mentioned, when you say your k/brd ois set to US layout, is that just US or US Int'l? Just wanted to be sure we can rule it out...


I'll sus out some of the reviews and see if they make mention of any of the problems you're facing in the meantime :)

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Drivers are up to date and the settings are all on US and there is no international setting for the keyboard :/ keyboard was acting fine intill i had to update my fallout.ini because darnui wasent working sooooooooooo Idk somthing in there maybe ? Btw thanks for all the help :D

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Okay well we can rule them out. So you say after DarnUI you had problems...mmm... Whne you played around with the INI file, did you delete it and restore it or just change the font section?


Maybe try this just for now, see if it provides a temporary fix, and perhaps then this will nail the problem to configuration, set your keyboard in Windows to use UK default. Then run the game and see if the problem persists. If it does fix it, try switching back to US layout and see if the problem returns.

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Ok so i changed the langudge to uk and even deleted my .ini it still f*#@s up. Btw i have had darnui UI for about 4 months now with no problems but every so offten i have to redo the .ini for darnui since it some times resets it self on its on so i did that and then i start to play the game and the M key shows this when you type it , So yeah btw when it resets the .ini it rests the font section which i just change that every so offten when it changes it back to default

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