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Getting the armor_0 and armor_1 files to work properly...


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Ive got my armor into the game. The problem is the armor mesh is all glitched out (visually).
If I set my characters weight at maximum skinny-ness, the armor looks fine. If I set my characters weight at maximum fat-ness, she also looks fine. Based on this, Im pretty sure the problem Im having is cause when the game tries to combine the armor_0 and armor_1 file.
When I check both files in NifScope, I can see they each have a different value in the armors "NiTriShapeData/Num Vertices" area. Both files have the same values everywhere else.
My armor_0 has a Num Vertices value of 6539, whereas my armor_1 file reads as 6535. Im assuming these values have to be identical for the game to properly display a mid-range weight in Skyrim.
Ive tried to fit the armor mesh to the bigger 01 body (in Blender 2.49) a million different ways but I cant seem to get it to export with the 6539 value the armor_0 file requires (unless I export the big body with the untouched, small armor).

1. Can anyone confirm Num Vertices values have to be identical between the armor_0 and armor_1 files?

2. Does anyone know how I can alter the proportions of the armor in Blender, to fit the larger body, without it mucking up the 6539 (Num Vertices) value, the smaller body file requires?

Thanks a tonne


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