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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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Second the previous comment re Malwarebytes, and that you must go Pro. You have to update the free version manually and run scans manually too. The Pro version updates its definitions several times a day and runs all the time (with a low footprint) in the background, blocks and logs anything malicious and notifies you. Has saved my butt about 6 times in the year I have had it. Cost me about $20 and the license is for life across any PC you buy. Well worth it. I swear by this program.


Dark0ne--Don't worry, bad stuff happens to everyone sooner or later on the net. The Nexus remains at the top of my list.

Edited by valc
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I had to reupload one of my files after creating it. It was that .exe you spoke of. Didn't think much of it till now.

I try to always download my mods to run after I clean them out of my game for upload. I had two unique downloads. Sorry to the early bird, that worm was on a hook.

Edited by MurdermiesteR
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In response to post #7635205. #7636326, #7636511, #7637460, #7637758, #7638512, #7638569, #7639971 are all replies on the same post.

OK, I guess I should apologize for immediately saying it would be a bad thing. I should've asked what you meant. They way you put it now is a good idea, but executing this COULD be hard. They would have to have an anti-virus scan every download. I have no idea what this would cost or how hard it would be to get it to work. If possible it would be a very nice addition to security. Edited by tylee13
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I had this file attempt to download twice, I cancelled them as soon as I saw them because I thought it was the server having a glitch. After reading this, I am happy that I didn't run them, or let them get onto my PC. Thanks for telling us :)
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I'm getting this line occasionally after I click on a download site...SLC I think.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/fs12/public_html/Core/BBoC.pinc on line 1092

I don't know if it is related to this but just making sure someone sees it.

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You know, when I installed Fallout Stutter Remover a while ago, it seemed to make my game perfectly smooth. I then uninstalled it and a bunch of mods a little later, and when I got back around to reinstalling them, I noticed that FSR didn't seem to have much of an effect. I also noticed a .txt document that came with FSR wasn't being installed by NMM.


Would that bug fix address something like that? I wasn't even sure if FSR needed that file to work properly...I'm pretty sure it's just the readme.


If it does fix it, I'm sure glad you guys found that bug. I really liked it when my game was smooth.

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In response to post #7645728.

Malwarebytes it a free or payed program that a lot of people use like my self use it too remove Malware and other programs that have been install on to you computer with out you knowing it. that why ya see so many people recommended it cus it works and some times people need a free Malware/anti-virus program cus they cant afford to pay $30 to $70 to buy it . most of the time the license keys only last about 1 year kind of gets annoying after a wile buying it over and over again. Edited by Rex7Dragon95
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