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A port of Dovahkinder Complete for SSE


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The original dovahkinder collection is based off of another mod that's been taken down. Fortunately, dovahkinder complete does not have this requirement and the original author of the textures has given permission to port/use textures with credit given, the author of dovahkinder collection has also given permission to use the mod/assets. I'm constantly seeing people looking for child clothing mods, while prince and the pauper is notorious for being incompatible. If someone with the know-how could port this (or a similar type mod) for sse, it would be incredible.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I completely agree! I used to have a fantastic clothing mod for my kids, but I can't find it anymore and think it was removed. However this one appears to have the same clothes I had before, and I would really REALLY like to see someone port this mod to SSE. I guess Bethesda isn't the only one who doesn't care for the kids. I think there should be much more clothes and even quests for your adopted kids!

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