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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×

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So after about a year hiatus from skyrim I decided i would once again delve into the dungeons of tamriel. I downloaded it from steam once more and patched it up real nice (completely ignoring the fact that using steam is like drinking nails and Dave's Insane Hot Sauce while scraping sandpaper across your cornea). After a quick jaunt of entertaining the mage style of play I went back to my trusty rogue class... I love it.

Then after a few mods and 10 hours of play I noticed that the walls in the theives guild, along will all of the dungeon walls, were incredibly shiny and wet looking... for about a minute then BAM, whole PC crashes. I try again BAM whole PC crashes. Not to desktop mind you.... the whole thing... so i fumbled around with it for about a day and decided to try a fresh install and see how vanilla looked comparatively. I cleaned out all of the local data, deleted "Skyrim" in steam apps and in My Games. This time I install on my SSD with plenty of space and let everything patch up again. After its all installed and patched (about 4 hours worth of downloads) I start a new game and proceed to the thieves guild to see if its fixed. Still shiny, so i start to look to my right and BAM whole thing crashes. Does anyone have any ideas for a fix for either, i can live with the crashes over the shiny walls honestly because the crash only seems to happed about 50% of the time and only in the theives guild. If screens are needed i can provide.

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