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Quest breaking bug in Skyrim( help ?)


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Nop.I set him as essential in the Creation engine, saved the esp as Fixed Skyrim, activated it through nexus , entered the game , shot him in the face , boom , fell down face first :(

I think Skyrim just hates me right now

Im going to try disabling all the mods


EDIT: I returned to the Creation Engine and the Essential option was ticked of again. Is this a CK problem or did I do something wrong?

Edited by Themap666
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Is he dying as soon as he's attacked? Have you tried upping his health and armor rating/magic resistance?

I'll try that now but unfortunately CK is crashing when I hit quit, which renders all my changes useless even after I save them. I also get a lot of texture erros pop up on me babbling about textures missing

This is really not a good day -_-

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Be careful with the CK if you're unfamiliar with it as it can seriously mess up your game. I know what you mean, I hate days like that, really hope you get it sorted!!


I'm pretty much familiar with Game Engines being a developer myself, so I felt at ease using Creation Engine. It's just a shame that it's bugged as hell (I shouldn't be too surprised though,coming from Bugthesda)


I saw somewhere that my crash on exit bug maybe cause because of the render window being open. Anyway to turn it off?

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Good luck, sorry you didn't get it sorted



And now i just feel angry as hell at Bethesda for doing this

It seems there's a line of code in the Skyrim. ini that says the following




In mine, this was set to




So no matter how much i messed into CK it would never work


I didn't mess into this and this just came on a fresh install so I don't understand how Bethesda could have this turned of by default


Well, thanks again for all the tips ;) I'm just glad this worked

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