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Need help working with Message Boxes


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I'm attempting to add a message box that pops up at the start and asks the player a yes or no question, and getting their response from that. The message pops up fine, but the vanilla function I'm using is always returning -1

int showOnce = 0 ;Used to show message only once

int playerIsSniper ;1 = yes (Sniper spawns in Chet's vendor inventory)

Begin GameMode
if showOnce == 0
    showmessage MSGSilentSniper
    set playerIsSniper to GetButtonPressed    

    ;Sniper is initially disabled, this turns it on
    if playerIsSniper == -1
        showmessage BigSalDead ;debugging line

    set showOnce to 1


It's supposed to check if playerIsSniper == 1, but GetButtonPressed only returns -1, which according to the wiki means that something's going wrong with the indices of the Message I guess.. No is index 0, and yes is index 1, and there are no conditions preventing them from showing up.


I also tried JIP NVSE's MessageBoxExAlt function, but I can't get the GECK Compiler to Compile the example script's block "Begin Function { iButton }". That's not the way I want to go if I don't have to anyways.


Any help would be appreciated

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I guessing and have not tested it but I think the problem is that "set ShowOnce to 1" is outside of the "if PlayerIsSniper" block and so the script only runs once. PlayerIsSniper will equal -1 unless the player presses the button very quickly. Put "set ShowOnce to 1" where the debug line is should fix. I think you should also make ShowOnce its own thing so the message doesnt keep on displaying. How do you the code layout in forums?


int ShowOnce


int PlayerIsSniper


int MessageMenu


Begin GameMode


if ShowOnce == 0

ShowMessage MSGSilentSniper

Set MessageMenu to 1

Set ShowOnce to 1



if MessageMenu == 1

Set playerIsSniper to GetButtonPressed

if PlayerIsSniper == 0

Set MessageMenu to 0


elseif PlayerIsSniper == 1


Set MessageMenu to 0





Edited by lc1000
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