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D1's Wasteland Debauchery


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You guys are scarin me now with all this talk about people selling our work!


Heck, freely using other peoples work and giving them credit is fair.. but selling? People are unbelievable, but i wouldnt put it past them. People do anything for money.



on another note, ive done some pretty filthy adult related models and animations for a previous employer, it was an unreleased game very much like SL but ... yeah :)

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People who scoff at nudity and sex in games don't play them, whereas the people who actually own the games would love to see as much as anyone's willing to give them. You don't buy GTA4 for a G-rated experience. I remember stumbling upon Duke Nukem 3D when I was 12 or so, and I revelled in the unbelievable quantity of sex and violence, I loved it and wanted to see more games like it.


Sadly as (mainstream) games have gotten more realistic the amount of violence has stayed fairly constant while sex has disappeared, damn us Americans and our Puritan roots. I do find it strange, however, that sex and violence are in near equal proportions in all the big R-rated movies; isn't the M rating for games supposed to be like R for movies?


Anyways, getting back on topic I wholeheartedly support all of these mods, but sadly I can't offer much more than my opinion on the matter....

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I think the problem is that the majority of the game-playing market is growing up, and the games produced aren't growing up with them. The producers are fixated on a demographic that doesn't even have the disposable income that the mature audience has. It's bass-ackwards.


And the intellectual quality of the content has suffered as well. Here's a great example: in the past two Fallouts, your quest had a sense of the larger scale of the community struggling for survival in a world where civilization itself is struggling. What's your motivation in Fallout 3? "Find Daddy!"


It really reflects a dim view of the audience, so the least we can do is provide the surly masses hardcore sex and bloodshed for their entertainment dollar.

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Ok if no one can help with the animations, and enkeph I can definitly understand and relate with why you can't, then could you be kind as to point me towards some basic modelling/animation tutorials that I can use to incorporate into FO3 please?
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  • 2 weeks later...
  enkephalin07 said:
Sex sells almost as much as violence, so there's definitely a demand for this kind of mod. And for all the people who scoff at nudity and sex in a game, SL demonstrates in irrefutable dollar amounts just how many people are drawn to it.


Second Life is for dorks. Sorry. :whistling:

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I'm just wondering where the mod community would be if every modder went "Oh snap, if I put this model/animation/texture/whatever into a mod, then there's a risk someone might stumble upon it and sell it on Second Life or somewhere else".


The amount of custom made models would be down to a small percentage of what they are now, so I think we all should be thankful that there are mod artists out there who don't act like complete pricks about what they put on the internet and what it's used for. :down:

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