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What does 'coil whine' sound like?

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I recently RMAed my newly bought XFX HD 7850 2GB because I was experiencing some problems with it. XFX tested the GPU, and told me they didn't find anything wrong with it, but that they would replace my GPU anyway with a same model card (since they didn't say the replacement would be 'brand new', I am guessing it's a refurbished unit).


After I installed the replacement GPU, I found that it would generate a constant white noise/static sound in 3D applications. For example, I hear this noise when I stress test the GPU in Furmark and Kombuster. I also hear it in Skyrim, except when I have the game menus open (then the noise goes away until I close the menus). At first I thought the noise was coming from my speakers or audio drivers needing an update, but after unplugging various components and through process of elimination, I've determined that it's indeed the GPU.


Is this 'coil whine'?

(some random video I stumbled upon, not the actual sound I am hearing from my GPU)


Now, the white noise/static sound I hear is no where as high pitched as the one made by the card in that video. In my case, it sounds more like....static sound from a mic, like what you might hear in an amateur video shot outdoors (if that makes any sense).


Any thoughts? Is this generally harmless?

Edited by ripple
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Hmm... Never experienced anything that bad on a GPU before. I did use to have a similar sound issue with a work PC that had to do with the power supply dying, but coming from a GPU?


Never heard it that bad on the graphics card... Might be a good idea to contact support yet again I'd say, not much else you can do, and the additional hassle is a lot better than risking a fried card taking other components with it on it's way out.

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The sound I am hearing isn't as bad as what I am hearing in that video, which I would describe more like 'screeching.' In my case it's just 'white noise.' I'd say it's 'barely audible' but given I don't have great hearing to begin with, I would imagine people with better hearing would notice it immediately. I don't really care but I don't know if this is harmless or not. I could try to contact XFX support again, but it'll probably take a week just for them to green light the RMA again, and another 2 weeks to send them my card/get another refurbished card back. I really hate XFX....I've learned my lesson and I will absolutely never buy another XFX card...

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Go ahead and contact them. In the mean time, keep a close eye on your card. Monitor voltages and temperatures, and if they start to change drastically for no reason, shut it down.


On the whole, though, it's quite likely nothing adverse will come of it. Just don't start slamming some super benchmarks with massive overclocks on it or anything :P

Edited by Phalanx108
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