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Trouble with flag retexture


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Hey there!


First of all, I know how retextures are done and already brought enough of them ingame. BUT when I do the very same thing as always with flags, for example a retexture of the stormcloak banner (whstormcloaksfancybanner01.nif), it will show up correctly at the CK but is invisible ingame.


It seems to happen when I change the texture path in nifscope. I even extracted the very original texture to the original path and pointed with nifscope on it, so nothing changed to the original resources, but it stays invisble.



Texture shows up in nifscope and CK, has the exact same image properties as the original texture but makes the whole mesh invisible ingame.


I really hope you can help me with this one! Got headaches from it :/




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First off - are you just trying to override the vanila textures with something else? Or are you creating a new mesh with new textures and then overriding the vanilla banner with it? Or are you trying to create a brand-new, stand-alone item with that banner as a base?

If all you want to do is make the banner use your textures instead of the default, you don't need to touch nifskope, the CK, or even the nif itself. Just edit the texture how you like, and plop it into your data folder under textures > architecture > windhelm > SonsofSkyrimFancyBanner.dds . As long as your texture has the same file name as the orginal, it will automatically override what is in the Skyrim - textures.bsa .

If you want to change the properties of the nif for some reason - say, give it a glow map or environment map or something - then you will need to open up nifskope and change file paths and add some properties.

Hope that helps. If I misunderstood what you are trying to do, please feel free to correct me - then I'll see what I can find for you.....

Edited by Elleh
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