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What alternative "War" mods are there?


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Hello eveyone,

I am trying to look for a "Warzones", "Wars in Skyrim" alternatives. When Warzones came out I was not able to run it, err, I should say the PC was not able to handle the mod.

Wars in Skyrim is not even on Nexus, a search did not get me anything, so my guess its been removed. Warzones is outdated, about a year now. I've tryed doing a google search, however, most of my search results wore about these two mods.

I'm not "uptodate" with many of the mods that have come out the past year or so. I've only really been useing what was on my "tracking" list, apart from the unoficial patches and a few other things.
I do however use a few other mods that add adventurers and thieves to the roads, like"ERSO _ Erkeil Real Skyrim Overhaul" which adds these NPC's., and Immersive patrols.

So are there any war mods that are uptodate and usable?

Edited by Miki990
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