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Noncombatants Run During Attacks?


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I feel like I remember seeing a mod that made villagers / non-combatants (people you would expect to have no combat training of any sort) just run to their homes / shelter during dragon / vamp / etc attacks, but I've been searching for every string of keywords I can think of and can't find it.


If anyone knows the mod I'm talking about, I'd appreciate it if you could point it out. And if I'm completely crazy and this doesn't exist yet, consider it a formal request for it to be made.


It's silly when a dragon swoops down and farmers and the like are all "arrr yeah I've got an iron dagger, come at me"...

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These might help, one makes people hide from dragon attacks, and the other for Dawnguard vampire attacks.


Perfect! Precisely what I was looking for, thank you! For some reason I thought they were one mod, and I thought they had more descriptive names that would be a bit more conducive to searching. But thank you!

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