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Looking to work on Custom Animation


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Hi there. I'm looking to take a stab at making a few custom animations for fallout 3. What tools are being utilised to make the animations I'm seeing on the net? I'm not talking about just the dancing character ones - although that is what started my interest.


What tools and where would I find them?


Is there a guide or tutorial I could be refered to?


etc etc LOL





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Dont forget to grab a copy of the Fallout 3 skeleton containing a proper hierarchy of named bones setup just like you will need.


The key to custom animations is not the animation itself, but the import process, ensuring the right data goes to the right bones! Naming conventions and tree-structure are KING

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you'll be needing the NIFTOOLS pack for 3dsmax9.



from the link above download NifSkope (for viewing and manually tweaking Nif FIles)

and the 3DSMAX9 Nif Plugin. this will allow you to work with collision and export/import .nif and .kf files


after that, you'll be needing some damn good tutorialos... no link for those sorry


Thanks a lot!


I used to play around with 3D Max a loooong time ago. That and a program called BRYCE that allowed one to make scenery. We're talking mid 90's lol Very cumbersome, not very easy to figure out but tons of fun to mess around with :) I'm looking forward to trying to do things with the new stuff for Fallout 3 :)



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Im also looking to do some custom animations for Fallout but i really dont want to use 3dsmax. Can you tell me if there's any chance to animate in MotionBuilder and export from there either directly to game or to max and to game from there?

I need some experience with Motionbuilder for my CV and i really want to animate for fallout 3 because its animations sucks :)


hope you can help me out ;)

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Only max and a couple other programs have plugins that can export to .nif so you will have to see if they both share a format that preserves animations then you can animate then import into max then export to fallout.
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If you make anims and save them as KF files, be sure to get a Secondlife account and sell them on there for cash since custom animations are your own creations / intellectual property. That way nobody will rip off your anims and sell them (under their own name) for their own profits. (if you are worried about that. Someone made me paranoid so now im all worried myself lol))
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